In this exclusive Franchise Chatter FDD Talk post, you’ll learn the following:
Section I – Estimated initial investment (franchise costs) for a MaidPro franchise, based on Item 7 of the company’s 2024 FDD
Section II – Initial franchise fee, royalty fee, and marketing fee for a MaidPro franchise, based on Items 5 and 6 of the company’s 2024 FDD
Section III – Number of franchised and company-owned MaidPro outlets at the start of the year and the end of the year for 2021, 2022, and 2023, based on Item 20 of the company’s 2024 FDD
Section IV – News updates on the MaidPro franchise opportunity
Section V – Presentation and analysis of MaidPro’s financial performance representations (average revenues and/or profits), based on Item 19 of the company’s 2024 FDD, including information on the:
- 2023 average, median, highest, and lowest gross consumer sales for the 229 MaidPro franchisees open and operating for the 12-month period ended December 31, 2023, by quartile and overall
- 2023 average, median, highest, and lowest jobs for the 229 MaidPro franchisees open and operating for the 12-month period ended December 31, 2023, by quartile and overall
Section VI – Key ratios, comparables, computations, and analyses for the MaidPro franchise opportunity (exclusive content for Platinum subscribers)
Section I – MaidPro Franchise Costs
- Initial Franchise Fee: $45,000
- Travel and Living Expenses While Training: $3,800 to $4,500
- Equipment: $5,650 to $7,650
- Miscellaneous Opening Costs: $6,160 to $8,850
- Cost for Initial Vehicle with Signage (lease): $5,300 to $7,200
- Initial Printing Materials: $1,300
- Advertising – Initial 3 Months: $12,000
- Real Estate: $5,550 to $9,300
- Insurance: $2,000 to $12,000
- Additional Funds for 3 Months: $18,800 to $23,000
- Total Estimated MaidPro Franchise Costs: $105,560 to $130,800
Section II – MaidPro’s Initial Franchise Fee, Royalty Fee, and Marketing Fee
- Initial Franchise Fee: $45,000
- Continuing Royalty: 6% of monthly Gross Consumer Sales
- Minimum Royalty: after the first 12 months of operation of the Franchised Business, if your Gross Consumer Sales is less than $15,000 in any month, you must pay a minimum of $800 or the Continuing Royalty, whichever is greater
- Additional Premium Royalty: an additional 2.5% royalty must be paid on services provided to customers geographically located outside your assigned territory
- Brand Fund Fee: 2% of monthly Gross Consumer Sales
Section III – Number of Franchised and Company-Owned MaidPro Outlets
- Outlets at the Start of the Year: 252
- Outlets at the End of the Year: 246
- Net Change: -6
- Outlets at the Start of the Year: 246
- Outlets at the End of the Year: 241
- Net Change: -5
- Outlets at the Start of the Year: 241
- Outlets at the End of the Year: 238
- Net Change: -3
- Outlets at the Start of the Year: 0
- Outlets at the End of the Year: 0
- Net Change: 0
- Outlets at the Start of the Year: 0
- Outlets at the End of the Year: 0
- Net Change: 0
- Outlets at the Start of the Year: 0
- Outlets at the End of the Year: 0
- Net Change: 0
Section IV – News Updates on the MaidPro Franchise
Section V – Financial Performance Representations (Average Revenues and/or Profits) for the MaidPro Franchise (Item 19, 2024 FDD)
- This Item 19 provides Gross Consumer Sales and jobs information for all 229 MaidPro franchisees open and operating for the 12-month period ended December 31, 2023. MaidPro refers to these franchisees as “Franchised Businesses”.
- MaidPro excluded from this Item 9 franchises which closed in 2023. None of the closed franchises were open for fewer than 12 months before closing. MaidPro has also excluded 7 franchises that began operating in 2023 and were not open for the full 12-month period.
- MaidPro has changed the assignment and definition of territories various times since it began offering franchises in 1997. At times in the past, MaidPro has offered territories comprising 20,000, 35,000, 40,000, and 80,000 qualified households, where a qualified household had a gross annual income of $75,000 or more. In the past, MaidPro has also permitted franchisees to purchase individual blocks of qualified households in amounts less than 20,000, where a qualified household had a gross annual income of $75,000 or more.
- In January 2023, MaidPro changed its territory offering. MaidPro currently offers a territory comprising approximately 45,000 qualified households, where a qualified household has a gross annual income of over $100,000.
- The information below shows Gross Consumer Sales for the franchisees identified below, grouped according to the range of qualified households in each franchisee’s territory or territories based on the current definition of a qualified household.
2023 Gross Consumer Sales
All Franchised
- Number of Franchised Businesses: 229
- Average Gross Consumer Sales: $465,803
- Median Gross Consumer Sales: $375,369
- Number and Percentage of Franchised Businesses Equal to or Above Average Gross Consumer Sales: 101/44%
- Highest Gross Consumer Sales: $2,398,469
- Lowest Gross Consumer Sales: $51,918
- Average Number of Jobs: 2,758
- Median Number of Jobs: 2,358
- Number and Percentage of Franchised Businesses Equal to or Above Average Number of Jobs: 100/44%
- Highest Number of Jobs: 14,360
- Lowest Number of Jobs: 260
Quartile #1
- Number of Franchised Businesses: 52
- Average Gross Consumer Sales: $963,562
- Median Gross Consumer Sales: $860,224
- Number and Percentage of Franchised Businesses Equal to or Above Average Gross Consumer Sales: 15/29%
- Highest Gross Consumer Sales: $2,398,469
- Lowest Gross Consumer Sales: $659,774
- Average Number of Jobs: 5,494
- Median Number of Jobs: 4,832
- Number and Percentage of Franchised Businesses Equal to or Above Average Number of Jobs: 20/38%
- Highest Number of Jobs: 14,360
- Lowest Number of Jobs: 3,361
Quartile #2
- Number of Franchised Businesses: 54
- Average Gross Consumer Sales: $536,276
- Median Gross Consumer Sales: $532,947
- Number and Percentage of Franchised Businesses Equal to or Above Average Gross Consumer Sales: 24/44%
- Highest Gross Consumer Sales: $654,335
- Lowest Gross Consumer Sales: $418,061
- Average Number of Jobs: 3,282
- Median Number of Jobs: 3,314
- Number and Percentage of Franchised Businesses Equal to or Above Average Number of Jobs: 29/54%
- Highest Number of Jobs: 4,905
- Lowest Number of Jobs: 1,903
Quartile #3
- Number of Franchised Businesses: 55
- Average Gross Consumer Sales: $307,926
- Median Gross Consumer Sales: $309,053
- Number and Percentage of Franchised Businesses Equal to or Above Average Gross Consumer Sales: 27/49%
- Highest Gross Consumer Sales: $405,465
- Lowest Gross Consumer Sales: $234,014
- Average Number of Jobs: 1,878
- Median Number of Jobs: 1,832
- Number and Percentage of Franchised Businesses Equal to or Above Average Number of Jobs: 25/45%
- Highest Number of Jobs: 3,329
- Lowest Number of Jobs: 990
Quartile #4
- Number of Franchised Businesses: 56
- Average Gross Consumer Sales: $146,163
- Median Gross Consumer Sales: $149,165
- Number and Percentage of Franchised Businesses Equal to or Above Average Gross Consumer Sales: 29/52%
- Highest Gross Consumer Sales: $231,879
- Lowest Gross Consumer Sales: $51,918
- Average Number of Jobs: 914
- Median Number of Jobs: 884
- Number and Percentage of Franchised Businesses Equal to or Above Average Number of Jobs: 26/46%
- Highest Number of Jobs: 2,507
- Lowest Number of Jobs: 260
All Franchised Businesses Reporting Combined 2 Locations
- Number of Franchised Businesses: 6
- Average Gross Consumer Sales: $438,312
- Median Gross Consumer Sales: $397,111
- Number and Percentage of Franchised Businesses Equal to or Above Average Gross Consumer Sales: 3/50%
- Highest Gross Consumer Sales: $897,813
- Lowest Gross Consumer Sales: $102,886
- Average Number of Jobs: 2,112
- Median Number of Jobs: 2,522
- Number and Percentage of Franchised Businesses Equal to or Above Average Number of Jobs: 3/50%
- Highest Number of Jobs: 5,056
- Lowest Number of Jobs: 482
- Gross Consumer Sales as used in this Item 19 is consistent with the meaning of Gross Consumer Sales in the Franchise Agreement as used to calculate the Continuing Royalty under the Franchise Agreement.
- The dollar amounts shown in this Item 19 have been rounded to the nearest dollar.
- The above figures reflect Gross Consumer Sales and jobs based upon information reported to MaidPro by its franchisees in its cloud-based software, which is used by MaidPro for calculating the Continuing Royalty. MaidPro has not audited that information.
- The Gross Consumer Sales do not reflect any costs of sales, operating expenses, or other costs and expenses that must be deducted from the Gross Consumer Sales figures to obtain net income or profit.
- Jobs includes all individual customer service visits performed by any Franchised Business.
- The quartile information in the chart above excludes Franchised Businesses reporting Combined 2 Locations.
- Some MaidPro Franchised Businesses have sold these amounts. Your individual results may differ. There is no assurance that you will sell as much.
Section VI – MaidPro Franchise Ratios, Comparables, Computations, and Analyses (Exclusive Content for Platinum Subscribers) ⬇️
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